Sandy Maroney started the Diabetes Community Group in 2017 after a close friend was having problems following her diagnosis. Talking to others, she found a few more people in the same situation. We all met up and agreed to meet again regularly once a month to share information, support and friendship. A couple of speakers on diabetes were also arranged.
Our success was recognised by Diabetes UK in 2019 by way of an Inspire Award for the South East.
The group still meets monthly. Every second month the meeting is held in The Peak Centre, on Fridays from 10.15 a.m. until 12.15 p.m. These meeting are advertised locally through posters displayed around the village. In between, we agree a date and meet in a local coffee shop, normally on Wednesdays. These are informal meetings, which are not advertised in advance.
The aim of the group is to support, and inform both those who have diabetes and also their families. In the past, some members have brought along friends and relatives to support them.
We are a small very friendly group and welcome anyone who needs help and encouragement. So please do come and join us for a quiet chat, along with a cup of tea/coffee and a sugar free
biscuit, or two.